How to Survive Internet Marketing-I

Key tips to survive and make the most of internet marketing:

Focus on your work to stay productive. Concentrate on what matters and not what breaks your train of thought.

Always make notes when you watch a webinar or a video. Passive watching is not worth your time unless you learn something and can action it.

Take advice from people who have the experience and not the opinions of family and friends unless they have something insightful and invaluable to share with you.

Forget about the number 1 concept for a website, a website, or a traffic source. Think out of the box and consider hypothetical situations like what would be your plan of action if you stopped getting organic traffic.

Be open to the idea of spending money to save time. Whether it’s your team, software, or an ebook, respect your time and control impulsive spending. Understand what is vital to your business every week.

Build more websites, carry out more SEO, attend more networking events, and buy more traffic. Just do more of whatever works as long as you can.

Monitor conversions using Google Analytics instead of focusing on the amount of web traffic. Track your visitors and see exactly what they are looking for every step of the way.

Focus on customer retention strategies too. Getting new clients spells growth, but also make sure that you deliver value to your existing clients, cross selling and up selling.

Confront people when required if there is a problem, even it is someone that you share a good business relationship with.

Don’t fear failure because the best stuff always exists outside your comfort zone.

Get to know your niche because the winning combination of knowledge and passion will see you through the unavoidable tough times too.

Adopt and implement the best practices from other business and IM.

Don’t waste time on comprehensive and long-term financial forecasts because planning is always guesswork.

Use the telephone in a smart and intelligent way to drive sales and build relationships. Start-ups need all the new clients that they can get. Meet your clients instead of sitting behind the commuter the entire day.

Read up on stuff as much as you can. Your brain is your biggest asset that needs the highest investment.

Survey your customer and get to know the problems that need to be fixed. Sales copies draw testimonials and also present real opportunities for the business to get better.

Execution is all that matters when compared with ideas and taking the initiative. Stick with a deadline and ensure that you always meet targets.

Adopt the 80/20 principle on a weekly basis when it comes to refining your business and think strategy.

Spin selling makes it easy to move forward. Design your website, so you identify the problem and fix it. Remember that people love buying, not being sold to.

There is a thin line between perfectionists and procrastinators. Stick with getting things done well today that great tomorrow.