Tips and Techniques to Build User-Centric Websites

Focusing on the business objectives of your website at the cost of ignoring user experience and satisfaction is a big no-no. At the end of the day, a business can do well and a website can be successful only if the end users and customers are happy. Sometimes, website owners get obsessed with their ROI figures that they fail to align their goals with the needs and requirements of their users. While this strategy is best suited for a short period of time, it does not work in the long run.
Many businesses have paid a heavy price of ignoring user and client needs when they fail to see the bigger picture and develop a myopic view of their business and revenue goals. For example, ecommerce websites that promote purchasing only after the process of user registration drive prospects away. The goal of an online shopping portal is to allow customers to browse the inventory of products and provide them a reliable and trustworthy payment gateway, so they can buy whatever they like. User do not want to register for an account or sign up for a service and this leads to abandoned shopping carts and visiting another portal that has a much more hassle-free purchase process. The situation gets a lot worse due to the presence of social media where every user has the freedom to express their opinion about a product or service.
Unhappy Users

The computer systems manufacturer Dell tried to cut costs across the board and the first area to be hit badly was their customer support service. An unhappy user posted one article title ‘Dell lies. Dell sucks’ and that tarnished the image that the company took decades to build. Dell encountered major PR problems and their mistake cost them dearly.
Happy Users

On the other hand, happy users are people who are passionate about your company and your brand. They love your products and services because of the efforts that have gone into making your website user-friendly and user-centric and this engages the users. Users who have a positive experience will recommend your website to their friends; fill customer satisfaction surveys, and tweet and blog about your website. This is an indirect source of traffic that is immensely valuable because it is based on positive customer testimonials. These users even defend the brand when there are criticisms and negative opinions about it.

Usability testing ensures happy users and great returns. Earlier, people used to shy away from the idea thinking that it required specialized skills and a massive investment. However, the new-age concept of usability testing is a far cry from using expensive video surveillance, usability labs, and test subjects that meet a specific demographic profile to obtain data that is statistically relevant. Monthly user testing enhances user experience, boosts the percentage of returning visitors, reduces both development as well as running costs, and keeps the users happy and engaged.

The bottom line is to strike the right chord with the users using an appropriate tone of voice that is personal as well as professional and creating a website with a delightful design that helps you stand out from your competitors.